A AARP Meets monthly at the Durango/La Plata Senior Center. Call Julie Cordova at 259-0835 for more information.
A.B.A.T.E. of Colorado District 6 Meets at 6:30pm the second Thursday of every month at the VFW, 1550 main Ave. A non-profit, charitable, educational and safety oriented motorcyclist rights organization. Call Lou Cundiff at 759-2023.
Adaptive Sports Association A non-profit organization that assists the disabled community through sports and recreation. To volunteer or make reservations call 259-0374.
Alcoholics Anonymous Recovery program which helps people get and stay sober. Call 247-1706.
Alternative Horizons 24-hour crisis line for survivors of domestic violence. Legal project, court advocacy, support group and outreach program. Office: 247-4374. HOTLINE: 970-247-9619.
American Association of University Women Promotes equality for women and girls, life long education and positive societal change. AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership. Call 259-5671.
American Red Cross 1911 Main Ave., Suite 282. Provides health and safety classes, disaster services and training, and emergency communications between families and military personnel. Volunteer opportunities available. Call 259-5383.
American Legion A non-profit veteran’s organization. All proceeds from events go to charity, sports, youth programs, etc. Meets 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6p.m. Call 247-1590.
Animas Conservancy Durango-based non-profit land trust, dedicated to helping landowners preserve the natural, scenic, agricultural, recreational and historic value of the Animas region. Contact 259-0522.
Animas River Keeper Promotes education, conservation and protection of the Animas River and its watershed, along with internship opportunities to work on environmental projects. Contact Aaron at [email protected] or Dave Wegner at 259-2510.
Annie's Orphans A no-kill shelter for abused, neglected and surrendered dogs in La Plata County. Needs volunteer to walk and train dogs, donations to help with the ongoing costs of animal care and permanent, loving homes for its dogs. Call Anna at 759-8811.
Arts and Crafts Fair Productions Promotes Arts and Crafts shows and events throughout the four corners. Call 247-2117.
B Barbershoppers Meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays in the Fellowship Hall at Christ the King Lutheran Church, 495 Florida Road.
Bayfield Lions Club meets at 7 p.m. the second and fourth Thursday of the month at the Lions Club buildling in Bayfield. For more information, call Joe Mozgai at 884-0928.
Bayfield Study Club Meets at 1:30pm every third Thursday of the month in various member's homes. Call Paulette Geary at 884-9642 or Anne Schrier at 884-7636.
Bear Smart Durango is a voluntary effort dedicated to reducing conflicts with bears in the Durango community by eliminating access to human food sources by bears. Call Bryan Peterson at 749-4262 or email [email protected].
Bingo Club Meets at the American Legion, 878 East Second Ave. at 7 pm on Mondays. The public is welcome.
Blue Star Moms of Durango A non-profit and nonpolitical organization that provides support and information to families of deployed soldiers, along with care packages to troops serving overseas. Meet at 6 p.m. the second and fourth Mondays each month at the First United Methodist Church, 2917 Aspen Drive. Call Diane at 563-3627 or Cindy 884-0904.
Boulevard Neighborhood Association, Inc. 501 3c educational organization whose mission is preservation of historic neighborhoods.
Boys and Girls Club of La Plata County An after school organization for youth in La Plata County ranging in ages from 6 to 18. For more information, contact us at 375-0010.
Brotherhood of light is a spiritual growth group. Call 382-2553 for meeting days and times.
Celebrating Healthy Communities Coalition A 24 year old prevention coalition promoting healthy norms and thriving youth in La Plata County. All are welcome to attend our collaborative meetings on the third Tuesday of every month.
Civil Air Patrol San Juan Composite Squadron Meet at 6:30 on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at the National Guard Armory, on Girard Street in Bodo Park. Visitors and prospective members are welcome. For more info call Lt. Michael Gorman at (505) 870-3251.
Colorado Heart Cycle A bicycle touring organization that offers local training rides, bike tours and weekend tours.
Colorado Mountain Club Plans activities including trips, hikes, skiing, backpacking, climbing and educational schools such as basic mountaineering. Call (800) 633-4417. Colorado Mounted Rangers Mounted search and rescue. Assist civil authorities with crowd control and large parking details.
Colorado Restaurant Association Membership trade association serving as the advocate for the Colorado food service industry.
Colorado Retired School Employees Association A meeting of all retired school employees from any school in the nation. To learn of legislative actions, health and medical concerns, to socialize and to promote education of our youth.
Community Connections Provides community support to individuals of all ages with developmental disabilities. Call 259-2464.
Community Foundation Serving Southwest Colorado Specialized non-profit organizations designed to serve the local community as the mechanism for establishing endowment funds - a method of ensuring a steady source of income for community support - while offering the benefits of achieving excellent investment yields through pooling of funds. CHAC meets the second Friday of every month from 8-9:30 at the Durango Recreation Center. Call 375-5807 .
Cortez Cultural Center offers regular Native American dances, cultural programs, a museum, art gallery, art classes and a gift shop. Call 565-1151.
Council on Aging La Plata provides services to seniors throughout the county, particularly through support of the Durango/La Plata Senior Center and the Nutrition Program. The organization meets at 10 a.m. the fourth Wednesday of each month, Membership is open to all La Plata County Seniors; join at the Senior Center. Call 382-6428.
Critical Mass Informal group of bicyclists, unicyclists, skateboarders, inline skaters, roller-skaters and other self-propelled commuters, meets for weekly mass rides at 5 pm Thursday at Buckley Park.
Dancing Heron Taijiquan offers classes in the Chinese martial art 6-7:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday at the Mason Center. Call Mary Jane at 385-9597.
Decolores Civitan Club Dedicated to improving the community through helping others. Meets at noon every Tuesday. Call Lon Erwin at 247-1019 or Marianne Powell at 799-1727.
Delta Gamma Alumnae Association Welcomes all Delta Gammas who are new to the Four Corners. Call Heidi Ochsber Mugler at 382-8896.
Durango Agility Dogs An organization for dog lovers interested in playing agility games with their pets.
Durango Area Human Resource Association To keep people informed about human resource issues, continuing education, and sharing of common business interests in the field of human resources.
Durango Arts Force Enhances the arts and education for teachers and students in Durango. Activities include Creativity Festivity and Arts After School Program. Call 259-2606.
Durango Area Association of Realtors Membership Association for licensed real estate brokers and broker associates. Located at 125 E. 32nd Street. Call 247-9604.
Durango Bird Club comprised of beginner to expert birders with an interest in local and and regional resident and migratory birds. Meets the last Friday of the month. Email [email protected].
The Durango Arts Center A non-profit serving southwest Colorado. The DAC presents visual arts exhibits, performances, classes for adults and children. Located at 802 East Second Ave. Call 259-2606.
Durango BMX A non-profit organization that operates a safe, fun place for children and adults to ride and race on an American Bicycle Association sanctioned bicycle motorcross track. All ages and abilities are welcome. Call 259-6243.
The Durango Chess Club meets every Wednesday at 6:15 at the Steaming Bean on 915 Main Avenue. If you have any questions concerning that club, contact John Mical [email protected].
The Durango Choral Society The Durango Choral Society is Durango's premiere choral organization. The four choirs of the DCS, The Choral Society, The Durango Women's Choir, The Durango Youth Chorus and the Durango Children's Chorale offer a full and vibrant season of exemplary concerts in Durango's most beautiful and acoustic settings. Our 47 year old organization is loved locally, nationally and abroad. Concerts range from ancient to modern and include beautifully performed musical offerings that span the globe as well as celebrate our own Southwest. Visit DurangoChoralSociety.org or email [email protected] for information on concert schedules, tickets, choral membership and volunteer opportunities for all ages.
Durango Community Access Television Provides public and educational access to local television. DCAT meets from 8:00am to 9:30am the first and third Wednesdays of the month in its office, 1309 E. third Ave, Suite 27. Call 259-2802 or visit www.dcat.tv.
Durango Community Tennis Association Promotes tennis for all ages and abilities by sponsoring instructional clinics and competitive or social tournaments. Contact [email protected] or 247-0680.
Durango Contra Dancers Holds a dance a month, except July, usually on the first Saturday, to live music and a caller who teaches and directs. No partner is necessary. Call 385-9292.
The Durango Cowboy Poetry Gathering Celebrates the culture of the American cowboy by hosting its annual gathering in October. Call 749-2995.
Durango Crime Stoppers Our purpose is to assist law enforcement to solve crimes by receiving phoned-in information on things happening in and around our community of the criminal nature and passing it onto law enforcement to follow up on and make arrests, recover stolen property, make drug arrests, etc. Hotline: 247-1112.
Durango DEVO The Durango Junior Development Mountain Bike Team is a program for ages 6-19 years of age. The mission of this program is to develop each individual in mountain biking as a life-long sport through the sport of mountain biking. Call Chad 764-5758 or [email protected].
Durango Dog Park Organization Works to educate the public about the off-leash dog park rules and etiquette, licensing and registering laws. Call Susie Bonds at 259-3477.
The Durango Duplicate Bridge Club Meets at 6:30pm Tuesdays and 12:30pm on Fridays at the Durango/La Plata Senior Center, 2424 Main Ave. Call Betty 382-0443 for Friday games and Barry at 247-1668 for information about the Tuesday games.
The Durango Recreational Duplicate Bridge Club Meets at 12:15pm on Mondays at the Durango/La Plata Senior Center, 2424 Main Ave. Play is for pairs and all ages are welcome. Call Marion at 247-8052.
The Durango Educational Alliance for Multicultural Achievement (Del Alma) seeks to improve educational achievement of students in local schools and promote Latino culture through educational, recreational and cultural programs and scholarships. Call 759-2609.
Durango Education Center Provides one-on-one small group tutoring in adult education. GED preparation, workplace skills development, English as a second language, family literacy and conversational Spanish classes. Call 385-4354
Durango Elks #507 Participates in fellowship and charitable causes. 901 E. 2nd Ave. Call 249-2296 for more information.
Durango Fiesta Days The oldest celebrated event in Durango, organizes the annual parade, street dance and rodeo that takes place the last weekend in July. Meetings are at 6:00pm the second Tuesday of each month at the La Plata County Fairgrounds Extension Building. Call 247-8835.
Durango Food Bank provides food to La Plata County residents on an emergency assistance basis. Volunteers always are needed to distribute food to those in need 1-3pm Monday to Friday. For volunteering or donations, call 375-2672 or email [email protected].
Durango Foosball Club promotes recreational and competitive levels of foosball for all ages and abilities, hosts free training clinics to develop player skills and organizes weekly tournaments. Call Luke Ragle at 247-8969.
The Durango Foundation for Educational Excellence community organization of volunteers dedicated to quality education for all students in Durango School District 9-R. To volunteer or make a contribution, call 385-1491.
The Durango Friends of the Arts is dedicated to raising awareness, promoting cultural diversity and offering support for the arts in our community. It meets the 2nd Thursday of every other month. Call Susi Ammann at 375-7925 or Kathy Setka at 375-0066.
The Durango High Country Gardeners is affiliated with the Colorado Federation of Garden Clubs. It meets at 1p.m. the 3rd Wednesday of each month to share gardening knowledge, take home-garden tours and help with horticulture-related civic projects. Call Heidi Oschsner Mugler at 382-8896.
Durango Kennel Club Dog related activities, training, AKC dog show, agility, problem solving, breed, help and referrals. Call 247-5531.
The Durango Latino Education Coalition Seeks to improve educational achievement of students in local schools and promote Latino culture through educational, recreational and cultural programs and scholarships. Call 382-9693.
Durango Lions Club Meets at noon every second and fourth Wednesday for lunch at the DoubleTree Hotel. Call 382-9568.
Durango Lively Arts Co. A community theater group that presents three to four plays a season. Volunteers are welcome in a variety of areas. The group is interested in recruiting both children and adults. Call Shelly Hartney at 259-2934.
Durango Lodge No. 46 AF&AM Meets at 7:00pm the first Thursday of the month at the Masonic Temple, 421 Turner Drive. Call 259-5416.
Durango Model Railroad Club meets at 7 pm the second Friday of the month at various members' homes. Call Duane Danielson at 247-9730 or Jim Richards at 385-9906 for more information.
Durango Motorless Transit Part of the American Association of Running Clubs. Organizes most area races and conducts group runs and training sessions. Call Marjori Brinton at 247-2286.
Durango National Alliance for the Mentally Ill Call Lisa Hays 769-0053 or [email protected]. 10 Town Plaza, Box 91, Durango Co 81031.
Durango Old Car Club A local club dedicated to the enjoyment and restoration of classic cars, trucks and other unique motor vehicles. Call Steve at 247-8761.
The Durango Photography Club The Durango Photography Club is a social group for people who want to improve their images by sharing ideas and techniques. All ages, skill levels, and image formats are welcome. We meet the third Thursday of most months in the Community Room at TBK Bank, 259 West 9th Street. For details about the next meeting, or to send us an email, please visit DurangoPhotographyClub.com.
Durango Pony Club Offers equestrian education and instruction for youths younger than 21. Call Susan McLaughlin at 884-2477.
The Durango Pregnancy Center 1315 Main Ave. Suite 230 is a nonprofit organization that provides free services including pregnancy tests, maternity and baby clothes, other baby items, peer counseling and community referrals. Come by, call 247-5559 or visit www.durangopregnancy.com
Durango Public Library Offers Baby Storytime Tuesdays at 2pm; Toddler Storytime Thursdays at 10:30am; and Preschool Storytime Fridays at 10:30am. Call 375-3380.
Durango Repertory Theatre A non-profit organization dedicated to providing community theatre in Durango. Call 375-1114.
Durango – La Plata Senior Center Recreation facility for senior citizens. Social, education, dance, fitness, noon meals, cards, pool room, van trips, etc. Call 247-9136.
Durango Shin Budo Kai Aikido Offers classes in the Japanese marital art. Adults meet 6-8 pm Mondays and Wednesdays and 5:30-7:00pm Thursdays. Children meet 4:30-5:30 pm Mondays and Wednesdays. Call Michael at 259-2445 or Steve at 385-6832.
Durango Winter Sports Club Durango Winter Sports Club (DWSC, a 501(c)3, 84-1466141) is home to the Alpine, Freestyle, Freeride and Snowboard teams as well as Gromlins, our competition development program. Each team is committed to providing quality training for athletes who are dedicated to pursuing excellence in winter sports and in life through sportsmanship, friendship, team spirit, and personal achievement. DWSC serves over 250 athletes each season, and employs a staff of 60 coaches, as well as the team directors. Contact www.durangowintersportsclub.org or call 970-749-4965
Earlybird Toastmasters Durango Early Bird Toastmasters invites you to improve your communication, presentation and leadership skills every Friday 7-8:30 AM at La Plata Electric Association multi-purpose room in Bodo Park (45 Stewart Street), through May 26, 2017. More info: (970) 769-7615.
Early Childhood Council of La Plata County is a coalition of community members and agencies working to create a high quality comprehensive early childhood system to benefit all young children and families. Call 247-5960, ext 22.
The Environmental Center A student based organization funded by the Associated Students of Fort Lewis College, governed by a student-majority board of directors that includes faculty staff and community representatives. Call 247-7676.
F Family Center Offers play groups for a variety of ages, family workshops, classes and a community playroom and family support. Hours are 8 am-noon and 1-4 pm. Monday-Thursday and 8am-noon Friday. Call Diane at 385-4747. Located at 489 1/2 Florida Road.
Fathers' Voices A new and emerging grass-roots organization that was designed to meet the needs of the fathers and their families. If offers fatherhood training in Durango and Ignacio. For more information, contact 764-5631, [email protected].
Florida Aspen Club Formed in the 1950s. reaches out to the community by assisting families with short term acute needs and with gifts for new mothers in need a Mercy Regional Medical Center. The group raises money through auctions, cookbook sales and other events as needed. Call Pat at 385-9539.
4CORE The Four Corners Office for Resource Efficiency (4CORE) mission is to advance resource efficiency. Durango Office: 835 E 2nd Ave #230. Cortez Office: 10 W Main Suite 110. Phone: 259-1916.
Four Corners ATV club Family-oriented group of ATV enthusiasts. Call Jess at 799-1425.
The Four Corners Backcountry Horsemen Assists agencies responsible for public land management and promotes the sustainable use and enjoyment of horses in backcountry and wilderness. Call 259-1581.
The Four Corners Chapter of the American Guild of Organists Meets at 3 pm the second Sunday of the month at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 2611 Junction St. Call 565-7825 or 385-5450.
The Four Corners Chapter of Medical Transcriptionists Offers educational meetings as an opportunity to improve knowledge and share information related to the field of medical transcription. Call Anna Barendt, 563-0496.
The Four Equine Academy offers a college-level equine studies program in balanced riding, harmonious training and equine studies supported by and offered through the Fort Lewis College Extended Studies office. Call 385-4063.
The Four Corners Fencing-Pentathlon Club meets on Thursdays from 6 to 8 pm at the Rec Center in the racquetball courts. For more information contact Jennifer Thurston at 970-769-0007 or her email at [email protected].
The Four Corners Fertility Care Center Offers instruction in the Creighton Model of natural family planning, working with NaPro Technology-trained physicians. Call 560-2027.
The Four Corners Gay and Lesbian Alliance for Diversity works to promote equality and social justice for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people in the area with education, information, support, community outreach and activities.
Four Corners Gem and Mineral Club People interested in all facets of rocks and minerals, collecting, lapidary arts and jewelry making. Shop facility available for polishing stones from raw materials. Call 385-6850.
Four Corners Gunslingers A local cowboy action-shooting club that has practice shoots the third Sunday of each month. Call Ruff Cobb 247-4386.
Four Corners Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae Association Schedules events throughout the year and a fall philanthropic project. For more information, call Jigger Staby at 259-7577.
Four Corners Knitting Guild Meet at 10:00am the second Saturday of each month at Christ the King Lutheran Church, 495 Florida Road. Call Joy 759-6016.
Four Corners Miniatures Club For dollhouse and miniature enthusiasts of all skill levels. Meets monthly at members' homes to share creative ideas, tips and projects. Contact Marilyn White at 259-9401 or [email protected].
The Four Corners Motorcycle Club A social and motorcycle riding group that meets at 6:00pm the first Wednesday of every month at Christina’s. Call 247-0015 or 884-2765.
Four Corners Rose Society Educates and promotes the growing of roses, maintains the rose garden in front of the 9-R administration building and sponsors an annual rose show. Call Helen Pruski 247-1836.
The Four Corners Weavers Guild Meets six times a year on the 3rd Saturday of odd-numbered months. Meeting places vary and are announced in local papers and on the Web site. Call Mary Alice Hearn at 259-2442.
Fresh Start Horse Rescue Rescues, rehabilitates and finds permanent homes for horses that are neglected, abused or in situations where loving owners no longer can care for them. The organization is seeking volunteers, sponsors and adoptive homes for its horses. Contact Daniel or Amanda Ryan at 882-7522.
Friends of the Animas Valley addresses the impact of growth on environmental and community resources with an emphasis on preserving Durango's sense of community, equality of life and unique natural setting. Email [email protected]
Friends of the Durango Public Library An all-volunteer organization, invites membership from the community to support the services of the library with periodic book sales and program promotions. Call Lela at 247-0344.
G The Garden Club of Durango a member of the National Federation of Garden Clubs, meets monthly, usually in members homes, to exchange horticulture information and gardening tips specific to Southwest Colorado growing conditions. Members maintain the community rose garden in Santa Rita Park. Call Marsha Schuetz at 247-0198.
Gathering Wisdom Reading Circle For people interested in growing spiritually by reading and sharing a variety of nonfiction and fiction books focused on mind, body and spirit. Call Mountain Dawn at 385-9597
Girl Scouts GirlScouts is a sisterhood for girls (and adults too!) to help raise them with courage, confidence, and character. Programming is girl-led and revolves around outdoors, life skills, STEM and entrepreneurship. We accept girls who are entering Kindergarten all the way to 12th grade! Our organization runs on volunteers who want to make a difference in girls’ lives. Always accepting new volunteers and girls to join! Contact Ashley Virgin at (970) 375-7913 or email [email protected] for more information.
Great Old Broads for Wilderness is a non-profit, public lands organization that uses the voices and activism of elders and other broad-minded individuals to preserve and protect wilderness and wild lands. E-mail [email protected].
Green Business Roundtable A nonpartisan group that meets monthly for lunch and a program with the goal of improving business contributions to sustaining the environment. For information, call Kent Ford at 259-1361.
Grief Center of Southwest Colorado Offers a network of bereavement specialists in SW Colorado (including Spanish speaking), individual & group therapy for children, teens and adults, programs for children and families, pre- and neo-natal loss support, assistance with memorial planning and facilitation. For more information, please contact Judy Austin (970) 764-7142, [email protected].
Habitat for Humanity of La Plata County is a nonprofit building houses for qualified work-force families. The houses are built entirely by volunteers and are sold at zero-interest loans. For more information or to volunteer, call 382-9930.
Habitat Home Supply Inc. formerly the "Restore," supplies new and used building supplies to the general public at 50 percent to 90 percent off the retail price. All merchandise is donated to the store. Profits are used to build houses for Habitat for Humanity of La Plata County. The store is located at 600 East Second Ave. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays. All donations are tax deductible and can be made during store hours. To arrange a pick-up, call 382-9931.
Harley Owners Group-Iron Horse Chapter Meets at 10 a.m. the first Saturday of the month at Durango Harley Davidson, 750 S. Camino del Rio. H.O.G. members share a passion for Harley-Davidson motorcycles and come together to enjoy social and riding activities in the area. For more information, call Dee Dee at 259-0778.
Heartbeat A suicide loss support group. For more information, please contact: Janna (970) 749-1673 or Mary Kate (708) 703-2244.
I Ignacio Community Historical Society Meets regularly to preserve the history and culture of Ignacio's diverse community. Call 563-4060.
Iron Horse Bicycle Classic Road race and Mountain Bike race held on memorial day weekend. Call 259-4621.
J Japan Karate Association of Durango Meets 5 to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, 7 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday and 6 to 8:30 p.m. Friday at the Durango Sports Club, 1600 Florida Road. Call 247-2756.
K Kangoo Club We are a high-energy traveling fitness program using Kangoo Jumps low impact rebound shoes. It protects your joints; it is a joyful, effective and motivating for ages 6 and up. We have the shoes, come to you and bring the FUN!
Kiwanis of the Narrow Gauge Meets from 6:45 to 7:30 a.m. Wednesdays in the back room at Carver Brewing Co., 1022 Main Ave. Call 375-0079.
Kiwanis of Durango Meets at 12:00 p.m. on Thursdays at the DoubleTree Hotel. Call 385-7527. Visitors are always welcome.
Kiwanis of Mesa Verde Meets at noon Wednesdays at the Elks Club on Highway 145 in Cortez.
L La Plata Chapter Order of the Eastern Star No. 83 Meets at 7:30 p.m. the first and third Mondays of the month at the Masonic Temple, 421 Turner Drive, Bodo Park. Call Elaine Johnson, 970-385-6875.
La Plata Conservation District Meets at 5:30 p.m. the third Tuesday of each month in the Natural Resource Conservation Service building, 31 Suttle St. Call 970-259-1057.
La Plata County 4-H Clubs There are 15 different clubs serving La Plata County youth. Call 970-382-6465.
The La Plata County Council on Aging Meets at 10 a.m. the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Durango/La Plata Senior Center, 2424 Main Ave. Call 970-247-9757.
La Plata County Energy Council The mission of the Energy Council is to promote safe and responsible development, transportation and marketing of natural gas in the northern San Juan Basin. We do that by building community partnerships, increasing public education and understanding and addressing public issues. Call 970-382-6686.
La Plata County Fair Board of Directors organizes and directs all fair activities with the support of many additional volunteers. Call the La Plata County Extension Office at 970-382-6465.
La Plata County Farm Bureau Promoting agriculture and the rural way of life in Colorado by giving voice and support to farmers and ranchers in La Plata County.
La Plata County Humane Society Located at 1111 S. Camino del Rio, is open from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday-Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Wednesdays and Sundays noon to 4 p.m. Call 970-259-2847 for more information.
La Plata Historical Society Operates the Animas Museum, which has exhibits, a research library, photo archives and gift shop. It collects, preserves and interprets the history of the San Juan Basin, with a focus on La Plata County. Call 970-259-2402 for more information.
La Plata Open Space Conservancy A nonprofit land trust, has worked with private landowners since 1992 to protect important agricultural lands, wildlife habitat, natural and scenic open space, historical and archaeological sites, and recreational opportunities in Southwest Colorado for the benefit of the community and general public. For more information, call Katharine Roser at 970-259-3415.
La Plata Quilters Guild Meets at 5:30 p.m. the second Thursday of the month at the La Plata County Fairgrounds, 2500 Main Ave., Durango, CO 81301. Call Mollie Gilliam, 970-560-5719.
La Plata Youth Services Helps youth in the juvenile-justice system and their families find treatment to reduce out-of-home or community placement. Call 970-385-4440. Located at 2424 Main Ave.
Ladies' nondenominational Bible study/prayer group Group meets at 6:30 p.m. Thursdays at 2013 Highland Avenue. Call 970-247-5313.
Lasso Tobacco Coalition Works on tobacco prevention, education and cessation with the residents of Archuleta, La Plata and San Juan Counties to create tobacco-free communities and heathier lifestyles. The program meets quarterly and is part of the San Juan Basin Health Department's tobacco prevention program. Call 970-247-5702 ext. 227.
The League of Women Voters Believes in representative government and in the individual liberties in the Constitution of the United States. This nonpartisan political organization encourages informed and active participation. Call 970-247-5190.
LifeGuard A pro-life group formed to educate the public about human development and reproduction, civil rights of all human beings, benefits of chastity, etc. Bodo Professional Center, 555 S. Camino del Rio, Suite C1A 970-385-8451 or 560-2027.
M March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation A national non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects and infant mortality. Call 970-243-0894.
Mankind Project Offers the new warrior training adventure weekend three times each year, an experiential process that helps you touch your inner being and bring it out into the world. Call Jack at 749-8355 or Jason at 769-5320.
Marine Corps League Nonprofit organization of active, retired and former Marines involved in veterans affairs, community activities and youth programs. Meetings are at 6:30 p.m. the second Thursday of the month at the Elks Lodge. Call Pete Woods at 247-5093, or e-mail [email protected]
Mercy Home Health/Hospice Provides in-home nursing, rehabilitation and personal care. 24-hour hospice service available. Call Michelle and 382-2000.
Mercy Medical Center Auxiliary Volunteer in hospital at the gift shop, front desk, floor, same day care center, healthy heart check, 9R health fair and prostate screenings. Call 247-4311.
Mesa Verde Paint Horse Club Meets in various locations the second Thursday of the month. Call Cindy Whitney at 382-2698.
The Military Officers Association of America, Four Corners Chapter Four Corners Chapter meets quarterly in the Durango, Pagosa Springs and Cortez area. All active duty, Reserve, National Guard, retired and former officers of the seven uniformed services are invited. Call Barbara Bales Coyne, 247-7971, 375-0827 or 382-9058.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) To educate and promote awareness of drinking and driving and to assist victims and their families of this violent crime.
Mountain Studies Institute Enhances the understanding and sustainable use of the San Juan Mountains through research and education. Visit www.mountainstudies.org or contact Koren Nydick at 247-7071 or [email protected].
Mrs. Campis Town Ladies An informal organization of ladies and gentlemen interested in dressing in period attire. The group attends functions, acts as tour guides and greeters and works closely with the Durango Central Business District special events group. For more information, call Ricci Dawson at 382-5971 or Kristi Nelson Cohen at 247-4260.
Music in the Mountains An annual summer music festival which organizes concerts from July to August throughout the Durango area. Call Susan Lander at 385-6820 for more information.
The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) of Durango Provides education, support, advocacy and resources to friends and families of persons with mental illness. For more information, call Cat at 382-9089 or a toll-free help line at (888) 566-6264.
National Organization for Women (NOW) is a grass-roots feminist organization dedicated to taking action to advance and protect women's rights by taking action in our communities and teaching activitsts the skills they need to make a positive change at every level. Everyone is welcome at its regular meetings. Call Cynthia Aspen at 375-7822.
O Our Place at Grandview Adult day /respite care. A non-profit, non medical, on-site, social model Adult day service. We provide a supervised day time program in a safe and home-like environment for caregivers and families of seniors who cannot be left alone due to numerous changes of the aging process. Phone 385-5200, fax 970-385-1099, e-mail- [email protected]
P Parents Advocating for Students Success A group dedicated to learning about IPEs, IDEA, ECEA, 504 information and parental rights, and procedural safeguards in the public school system, meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Call 759-1778.
Pine River Arena Association Keeps the Bayfield Arena open, maintained and operating. Call Trudy Kremer at 884-9425.
Pine River Centennial Rotary Meets at noon Wednesdays at the Pine River Public Library in Bayfield. Lunch and a program are offered. For information, call Katie Middleton at 884-9583 or e-mail [email protected]
R Rape Intervention Team Provides 24-hour crisis intervention and support to sexual assault victims. Works to end cycles of abuse though the child assault prevention program. Call 259-3074 for information. HOTLINE: 970-247-5400.
Rio Grande Southern Riding Scale Trains Meets regularly. Ride trains, build stuff, have fun. For families of all ages. Call 385-7430.
Rotary Club of Durango (Daybreak) Meets every Wednesday from 6:45-8 a.m. at the Powerhouse Science Center. There will be coffee and a program. For more information, email Chris Lange at [email protected].
Rotary Club of Durango Meets every Tuesday at 6 pm at the Strater Hotel in downtown Durango. There will be dinner and a program. For more information, email Mark Bowman at [email protected]
The Rocky Mountain Travelers Have been traveling for about five years and plan about three trips each year. Members are age 45 and older. Call Laurie at 533-7576 or Margaret Ann at 247-2750.The San Juan Audubon Society Chapter schedules meetings and programs connecting people with nature. Call Jean at 247-4574, or Arden, 247-2295.
The Rocky Mountain Ramblers OHV Club A family-oriented, educational organization with a diverse membership of all kinds of OHV riders, meets at 7 p.m. the 3rd Thursday of each month at the Fun Center on US Highway 160 past Three Springs Boulevard. It also works with the US Forest Service's "Adopt a Trail" program Contact Belinda at 749-0049 or [email protected].
Rotaract A version of Rotary International for students and community members ages 18-30 who want to get involved in their community and abroad through service trips, fundraising, event planning, community service and sharpening their communication and leadership skills. Call Katie Zortman at (719) 229-1088.
S Salsa Dance Durango At Salsa Dance Durango, group classes and private lessons focus on learning the proper and effective dance techniques in a fun, no-pressure environment with great vibes.
The San Juan Archaeological Society Members participate in lectures, field trips and volunteer projects concerning the archaeology and early history of the Four Corners. Meets at 7 pm the 2nd Thursday f each month, usually at the Center of Southwest Studies at Fort Lewis College.
The San Juan Audubon Society Chapter Schedules meetings and programs connecting people with nature. Call 247-4574 or 247-2295.
The San Juan Basin Health Department Offers various immunization clinics, children’s nutrition programs and various health care education classes. Call 247-5702.
The San Juan Basin Shrine Club Local club affiliated with the Al Key Shrine in Pueblo, CO. Meetings are held on the first Friday of the month at 5:30pm. Call Ace Hall at 259-4533 or Tommy Tucker at 247-2832.
The San Juan Citizens Alliance A non-profit organization dedicated to social and environmental justice in the San Juan Basin. Call 259-3583.
The San Juan Harness and Saddle Association Promotes the use of horses, mules donkeys or other animals for draft, riding, work, pleasure or show. Call Dave Harwood at 903-4060.
The San Juan Mountains Association Promotes education, conservation and interpretation of cultural and natural wonders on local public lands. Call 385-1210.
San Juan Sledders Club A non-profit community service organization that promotes safe recreation through family activities, various winter awareness classes and grooming of trails for multiple winter recreation. Call 884-2101.
The San Juan Swingers Square Dance Club Meets from 7:30 to 9:30pm Fridays at the Durango/La Plata Senior center, 2424 Main Ave. Call 884-1338.
The San Juan Symphony A regional orchestra uniting the Four Corners area by nurturing the art of music through education and high-quality performances. Call 382-9753.
Sat Mat Satsang Teachings of the Saints Kirpal Singh and Ajaib Singh, are offered 10 a.m. to noon Sundays. Admission is free. Call 884-6099.
Seniors Outdoors! A group of young seniors pursuing outdoor adventures, meets at 6:30pm the second Tuesday of each month at the Durango Community recreation Center. For more information call Ed and Judy Rosenthal at 385-4754.
SHARED Colorado A nonprofit organization, is a monthly food distributor that offers grocery packages at half the retail price to everyone. To register for SHARE, visit Durango Food Share 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday at San Juan Basin Health Department, 281 Sawyer Drive. Call (800) 933-7247.
Sierra Club, Weminuche Group Meets at 5:30 p.m. the third Wednesday of every month at 220 Haltovia Circle Call 247-8811 for directions.
Single Parent Family Association Offers monthly family potlucks, local resource referrals, support and friendship for single parents. The group meets at Christ the King Lutheran Church, 495 Florida Road. Call 259-1586, e-mail [email protected].
Shotokan Karate Durango Trains participants for confidence, self-defense, sparring, whole-body fitness and flexibility 6:30-8 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday at the Durango Sports Club, 1600 Florida Road.
Snowdown of Durango, Inc. Organized to promote fun, commerce and tourism in Durango through this annual winter festival. Call Terry at 382-3737.
Society for Creative Anachronism Shire Rio de Las Animas Perdidas, Kingdom of the Outlands, meets at 1:00pm the first and third Sundays of the month. Fighter practice and archery are available after meetings and by arrangement. Call Selena at 946-2715
Solitaires Is a social group for widows that meets regularly for potlucks and other activities. Call Mary Lee Pool at 247-5303.
The Southwest Colorado Childbirth Education Association Holds regular classes on childbirth and breastfeeding at the La Plata County Fairgrounds. For information call Barb Knehans at 884-8164.
Southwest Center for Independence Offers supports and services for people with disabilities and aging adults who reside in any of the five Southwest Colorado counties, and who want to be more independent and more included. The Office is open 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday at 3473 Main Ave. #200 in Durango. (The elevator is on the east end of the building.) Call 259-1672.
Southwest Colorado Peace and Justice Coalition A group of La Plata County community members committed to staying active in addressing peace and social justice issues on a local, state, national and international levels, meets at 6:30 p.m. every first and third Wednesday at the Adult Education Center. Peace vigils are held at 4:30 p.m. every Friday at 11th Street and Main Ave. Call 259-0285.
Southwest Colorado Youth Football Association Is a nonprofit that operates the Durango Youth Football chapter, representing the league of FCYAFL for Southwest Colorado. Teams include fourth, fifth and sixth grades. Sign-ups take place April through early August.
Southwest Republican Women An organization that welcomes all people interested in education issues such as literacy, scholarships, women entering the workforce and more, meets at noon every third Tuesday of the month at the DoubleTree Hotel in the lounge. Call Velbeth Jones at 385-0300 to reserve a spot.
Special Olympics Colorado Provides year-round sports training and competition in a variety of sports for children and adults, 8 and older, with intellectual disabilities. Call Dianne Hoffecker 259-7607 for more information.
Spring Creek Community Association Local people coming together to strengthen families and provide a facility for community use. The association sponsors dances, potlucks, meetings and fundraisers for families, young people and senior groups. It is available for private use. Call 883-2491.
Spring Creek Horse Rescue All-volunteer nonprofit that rescues, rehabilitates, retrains and finds new homes for horses. Horse people always needed for handling, mucking and grooming. Donations of hay, senior feed and money for vet bills always are needed. Call 884-4425. Located near Elmores Corner, call for an appointment.
Strawberry Field Trips Women's bicycle club that organizes bicycle tours. Call Betsy Richards at 259-5372.
Sustainability Alliance of Southwest Colorado Seeks to incorporate the concept of sustainability into all local and regional activities by working with policymakers, business leaders, community groups about complex links among critical areas including environmental quality, social health and economic development. (970) 903-3525
T T.O.P.S. (Take off Pounds Sensibly) Is for those carrying extra pounds they can't seem to lose by themselves. The group meets at 9 a.m. Wednesday in the Durango/La Plata Senior Center, 2424 Main Ave. next to the Durango High School. All ages are welcome. Call Lorraine at 259-2630.
Trails 2000 Is a nonprofit trail-work and advocacy group that promotes development and maintenance of community trails, trail connections and courtesy among trail users. A founding member of the Bicycle Friendly Communities for Durango, the group encourages multimobile transportation opportunities. To Join or volunteer for trail works call 259-4682.
U Uiie-Bhuadhach (ool-vadak, Gaelic, meaning "all-conquering") Is an Irish-American organization promoting Celtic culture and awareness of the contributions of Irish Americans to the community. Call 375-1114.
United Way of Southwest Colorado Builds healthy communities by identifying problems our local residents are facing. Call 247-9444 in La Plata and San Juan counties, 264-1215 in Archuleta County, 882-2635 in Montezuma and Dolores counties.
Upper Pine River Fire Protection District Auxillary Supports and promotes the fire district and meets at 6:30 p.m. the first Thursday of each month at the UPRFPD Administration Building, 515 Sower Drive in Bayfield. For more information call Carolyn Cook 884-7978.
Useful Public Service Program Assists people in successfully completing court-ordered community service by connecting clients with nonprofit or government agency work sites and/or projects. Call Susie Bonds at 247-0982. The program is part of the 6th Judicial District Probation Department.
V Veterans of Foreign Wars Military Family Support Center Offers help to families who have a family member or friend in the armed forces. The center is open 11 a.m.-5 p.m. daily in the basement of the VFW Building, 1550 Main Ave. A support group meeting, beginning with a potluck dinner, meets at 5:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Call 385-7858 or 749-1673.
Victorian Aid Society A nonprofit group, promotes history education through activities and appearances in authentic, researched, reproduction Victorian attire. Since 1997, the group has supported area towns, businesses and nonprofit organizations with portrayals of local pioneers in cemetery tours, parades, living history shows, walking tours, programs and train events. Call Carrie Foisel at 385-5482.
W Weight Loss Support Group Meets at 5:00 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Call Tammy MacDonald at 749-8380 or Lora Hill at 749-3517.
Weight Watchers Meets at 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays and 9:30 a.m. Thursdays at Victorious Life Church, 2106 25th St., across from Miller Middle School. Call 385-6877.
Welcome World An organization curing mental illness the constructive adult way, Humans Anonymous 12-step program, meets at 4 p.m. Saturdays at 270 Browning Ave. in Ignacio. Call Clover at 563-4433.
Wellspring Mountain Spiritual Retreats Provides programs that foster spiritual healing and wholeness for women, regardless of economic background, race or spiritual beliefs with alternatives to traditional spiritual practices. The nonreligious organization addresses topics such as grief, addiction, personal growth, activism and more. Contact 375-2955 or e-mail: [email protected].
"What About the Children" Book Club Meets to discuss books that provide tools and support for helping children cope with the pain of divorce. Call Therese at 247-0435, Ginny at 385-5575 or Alice at 375-2313.
Wild Pac A non-profit organization dedicated to supporting congressional leaders and electing new officials at the federal, state and local levels who will defend and advocate protection of America’s public lands, particularly wilderness. Call 375-1696.
Wildfire Adapted Partnership (WAP) inspires, educates and enables individuals and communities to protect lives and property from wildfire. For more information, call (970) 385-8909.
Womenade of La Plata County Provides financial aid to members of the community who find themselves in financial straits. Funds are generated four times a year by fundraising potluck dinners. Call the Women's Resource Center at 247-1242.
The Women’s Resource Center Advocates for the personal empowerment and economic self-sufficiency of women in La Plata County, 679 E. Second Ave., #6. Call 247-1242.
Woodcrafters Guild Meets monthly at various shops around the area. Call Harry Hill at 759-9189.